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DIY Bed In A Box

DIY Bed In A Box
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Would you like to have a spare bed, but don't really have the room for a frame? A decent mattress is all you need when you make your own bed in a box. This is a type of collapsible frame that can be kept in a closet or under an existing bed.

If you are familiar with items that fold up for easy storage, then you migh just appreciate the need to make a bed in a box. All you will need is a few pieces of lumber and some hardware. Everything you need for your bed will be contained in the box when it is folded up. 
The key to making a bed in a box work is using heavy duty hinges. These allow all the sections of the bed to fold out and be sturdy enough when a mattress is added. A folded up bed can also be used as a simple bench. Instructions to make your own bed in a box can be found on here...

DIY Bed In A Box