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Altoids Tin Alcohol Stove

Altoids Tin Alcohol Stove
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Are you someone who like to be prepared for emergencies or an unexpected event? Boiling water to use for a cup or tea or coffee is something that can be hard to do without a source or heat. One solution is a DIY product like an Altoids tin alcohol stove.

Making an Altoids tin alcohol stove is really easy to do. The hardest part will be finding the supplies to use for the project. A trip to a home improvement store or a garden supply store may be necessary. You will need to have some perlite and a bottle of denatured alcohol.

An Altoids tin or other type of metal tin will be needed to make an Altoids tin alcohol stove. Put all the materials together, but do not add the alcohol until you are ready to light up the stove. You will want to use a BBQ lighter or regular matches for this step. Instructions to make an Altoids tin alcohol stove are available on here...