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DIY Flower Pot Stand

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Do you have an old dresser or a cabinet that needs to go to the dump? One thing you need to do before getting rid of anything is to see if you can reuse parts and pieces. A perfect way to reuse a drawer from a dresser is to make a DIY flower plant stand.

Making a simple flower plant stand will be really easy to do. The best thing is you can even repurpose an old tray table for this project. If you do not have a drawer, then look at a thrift store or for items you can salvage on the side of the road. 
Simply place the drawer on the tray table see how your flower plant stand will look. The next step will be to paint or stain the drawer if you want it to match the decor of your home. You can even secure the drawer to the tray table with screws. Instructions to make your own DIY flower pot stand are on here...

DIY Flower Pot Stand