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Mason Jar Oil Lamp

Mason Jar Oil Lamp
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Do you enjoy having candles in your home, but find they are getting really expensive to buy? One way to save money and still enjoy the ambiance of a candle is to make a mason jar oil lamp. This will be an ideal way to repurpose some of your extra mason jars too.

Making a mason jar oil lamp is pretty easy and can be a lot of fun. There are many ways for you to use decorative items to make a DIY oil lamp. The best thing is you only need two ingredients for a lamp to be lighted and burn for hours.

The most important item you need to make a mason jar oil lamp is a floating wick. These will work the best with a DIY oil lamp. Simply add the amount oil that you want to use and light the wick. Your lamp should burn for a least two hours or more. Instructions to make your own mason jar oil lamp can be found on here...

Mason Jar Oil Lamp